Unique experience
Nothing comes close to the experience of racing and having a thoroughbred in training. Owners can host family members, friends or even business partners on race-days in Kincsem Park and enjoy the success of their steeds together.
King of sports, sport of kings
Horse racing is prestige and business, and is widely popular throughout the world. It combines traditions with ultramodern sport environment. Only football equals its popularity.
Prestige and popularity
Horse racing is a byword for prestige and recognition of social status. Racehorse owners belong to a tightly-knit community of high-flying entrepreneurs, celebrities and other notable members of the elite. Owners can become well known characters in the media in a blink of the eye.
Grand purses
The success of a racehorse means fame, but it also comes with a handful of money. Great horses make their ways to the grandest races in the racing calendar with hefty purses of multiple millions of Forints or Euros if raced abroad.
Treat your horse as a family member
Thoroughbreds are a source full of joy and contentment outside the racecourse as well. Owners are free to visit their horses in their training facilities, and watch their preparation any time.

Who are the most likely future owners?
– those who are interested in horse racing.
– those that are attracted to nature and the atmosphere of racecourses and racing yards.
– those who feel responsible for their chosen thoroughbred, the noblest of horses.
– those that can afford to have and race a thoroughbred. Owning a racehorse comes with an annual expenditure of HUF 1-1,5 million. Winnings can certainly reduce the costs.
– those who look at owning a racehorse as a glamorous past time activity.
– those that take pride of sporting a unique obsession.
How to become an owner?
First and foremost, a decision needs to be made, that is which one of the two branches of racing one would like to choose: gallop or trotters.
A racehorse can be bought and owned by a single individual, or if sharing costs is an objective, a syndicate of many owner-partners (friends, family members etc.) could be established. Renting a racehorse is also an option.
Buying a racehorse
Thoroughbreds or trotters are usually acquired from their breeder, or an already well established owner or at an auction. Prices do vary on a wide range depending on the age, pedigree, ability and achievement of the horse. A veteran horse with acceptable results could even be bought for HUF 200.000.-. An unraced youngster with a flashy family tree may as well fetch HUF 6-8 million.
Renting a racehorse
Why buy a horse, when there is one available to be rented? This always comes with an exclusive agreement between the owner and the future keeper of the horse. As a guideline, one may want to pay the stabling and training fee and keep the 80% of the prize money.
Should one want to share the cost of having a racehorse, the best solution is to set up a racing partnership, or in racing terms, a syndicate. Joining an already rumbling syndicate is also an option. Costs will be divided between the members. In case of a ten-strong partnership, costs are one-tenth of all fees per person. Prize money is also one tenth, however, the experience and joy is still unique.
A piece of good advice
When buying or renting a racehorse, the future owner should always bring along an expert that bears their full trust. This approach comes close to buying a car. Usually, it is a licensed racehorse trainer who has the expertise and competence to help future owners to pick a horse. Trainers are well prepared to spot hidden flaws of many kinds in a thoroughbred. Their opinion is very much advised to be counted on, since trainers do have moral and financial interest in having a successful horse.
Choosing a trainer
Picking a trainer is usually the result of an already existing good personal relationship with a licensed expert in the sport. For a negotiated monthly training fee and a 10% share of all prize money won, the trainer will be responsible for the training methods, race-management, feeding, shoeing and general well-being of the racehorse. The trainer also enters the horse into races or stakes and picks the right jockey or driver. In simple terms, a trainer is responsible for the horse in every professional aspect. Monthly fees vary from HUF 80.000.- to 120.000.- in Hungary.
If all of the above mentioned details are successfully settled, one only needs to put on some very smart attire, visit Kincsem Park on a lovely Sunday and cheer for the horse. And of course receive congratulations, applause and loud bravos in case of a rewarding race.
